Tesla Model X Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model X: Adjust the Following Distance

To adjust the following distance you want to maintain between Model X and a vehicle traveling ahead of you, touch Controls > Autopilot > Cruise Follow Distance and choose a setting from 1 (the closest following distance) to 7 (the longest following distance). Each setting corresponds to a time-based distance that represents how long it takes for Model X, from its current location, to reach the location of the rear bumper of the vehicle ahead of you.

NOTE: Your setting is retained until you manually change it.

NOTE: For vehicles manufactured after approximately February 13, 2022, the closest following distance(s) may be unavailable.

WARNING: It is the driver's responsibility to determine and maintain a safe following distance at all times. Do not rely on Traffic-Aware Cruise Control to maintain an accurate or appropriate following distance.

WARNING: Never depend on Traffic-Aware Cruise Control to adequately slow down Model X to avoid a collision. Always watch the road in front of you and stay prepared to take immediate corrective action.